Since launching my garden parties I have been inundated with questions, inquiries, and other general comments about the parties. Many people have been really excited about what I'm offering and there have been lots of questions that I've been asked as well. So to help with all these questions I thought I would throw together a FAQ to answer these questions, and also let you know why booking one of these shows is a great idea!
Is it safe?
This is probably the biggest and most important question. When going into people's gardens to perform magic, the first thing that I had to consider was how to make it as safe as possible. Not just for me, but for each and every house that I visit. So I have made every attempt to make it as safe as possible for you as a client so you can sit back, relax and enjoy the show. There are many parts of this which I am happy to discuss with anyone who wants to book my show, but to sum it up in a few bullet points some of the main things I'm doing at the moment are:
Deep cleaning all equipment brought onto your property before the show
Only bringing the minimum amount required to your party to minimise the amount I need to access your home/garden
All routines modified to reduce "contamination"
Insisting on a 2 metre space between myself and the family for the performance.
Only staying on your property for the minimum amount time needed
Using masks where appropriate when on your property
Will any of this affect the quality of the show?
With all these modifications in place, the next question is will this affect the quality of the show I receive? The answer to this is no. I've spent hours and hours crafting and modifying my show so that there is lots of interactivity, fun, magic and puppets. When it comes to enjoyment of the show, people have still enjoyed what I have done without realising that there are restrictions in place. The way I like to describe it is that it's like going to see a theatre show - but in your garden. By the time it's finished you'll have had an enjoyable show that your kids will love - and you will too!
What happens if it rains?
A very good question indeed! This is probably the most frequently asked question I've had about garden parties. As we all know British weather is incredibly unpredictable. It flitters from sun to storm within a few hours so it's really hard to predict what will happen. I've run through lots of options of what is best to do if it rains on the day. I've considered gazebos (which would be impractical), carrying on (which would damage my props) and many more options. However unwanted it may be, the only option that is really viable is that in the event of rain, the show would be post-phoned until the next available slot. I know that this would be incredibly disappointing for any child, so to prevent this I have quite a simple suggestion for parents. We keep it as a surprise for the kids. The best thing would be to not tell your children that there is going to be a show - until I arrive at the door and we start setting up. That way if its not able to happen you avoid any disappointment. And it's the best surprise ever

(Image not of current garden party - but another fun outdoor event!)
How much space do you need?
I've tried to make this show as compact as possible. While I would obviously like more space as I do like to move around a bit I can work in confined spaces - I would like as a minimum a 2x2m playing area, but can work with most situations.
Can I invite more than 5 people? Will you perform if more are there?
At this current time: No. Unfortunately the current regulations only allow for 2 households to meet of up to 6 people. I don't want to risk your health, the health of other clients or my families health unnecessarily. If there are more than the 5 other people there then I will not be able to come onto your property (and the fee for the show will still be payable)
What about the toilet? Do you need to access my house?
I have amazing bladder control and normally while I'm at your house I won't need to use the facilities. I'll bring along my own bottle of water so you won't need to provide me with anything. The only time I may need to access your house is if I need to walk through it to access your garden. If this is the case, I would ensure it would be the minimum amount of time and trips to reduce risk for everyone.
What about power?
Again to minimise the amount of risk for everyone involved all equipment that I bring into your garden will be battery powered. That way there will be no need for any power cables or access to your home at all!
And that's it! If you have any other questions about my garden parties then get in touch. I'd be happy to answer any more (and I'll be updating this blog post as and when I can!
stay safe