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Post 2nd lockdown. What's the plan?

Writer: Magic DaveMagic Dave

It's really strange to think that we've been in various forms of lockdown and social distancing for nearly a year now. And what a dramatic year it's been! From the Rule of 6, to eating out, to a lockdown Christmas we now finally have a glimmer of hope of returning back to normal. It's been a huge year and we're all glad that normality is back on the horizon.

So when the government recently announced that we are coming out of lockdown again I've spent a lot of time researching what we are allowed to do and when. It's a hard task as everything can be vague, especially when it comes to kids' events. While I think I've got some idea of when we can do what, to be honest, I feel like I can't give a 100% definitive plan as it may change again, or may be delayed and of course, just like we've all learnt this year the government may backtrack if things don't go how they expect.

This is all well and good, but it's a struggle when it comes to planning a kids party. As far as I can tell we can start doing limited capacity bookings from April 12th onwards although there is no guarantee of this - and it may change any minute. I know this isn't helpful or definitive, but I want to make it easier for you to decide what to do if you're child has a birthday between now and June.

So I'll still be offering my amazing Zoom magic parties which are always a hit with children and grown-ups, but from April 12th I will also be offering live shows which comply with the guidelines at the time of the event. I know for a lot of people you will feel uncomfortable booking an event if it may not go ahead, so I've brought back my very special:

Magic Dave's No Worry Guarantee!

I want to provide you with a service you feel confident booking during this time of uncertainty with as little risk to you as possible. There are two parts to this: Booking & at the Party!


When it comes to booking, I know there are a few questions raised. How can we book an event, if we don't even know it will happen yet. And why should we book something now? Well, one thing to consider is that firstly now that the lockdown is starting to ease people are starting to book events. From weeks to months in advance - if you want to get yourself a high-quality entertainer like myself you will soon find that slots for the next few months will start being filled very quickly. Remember it's not just future birthdays that may be booking now, but ones that were missed during the lockdown too! It's important that if you want a good entertainer booking sooner rather than later is essential. Personally I think that parties will start coming back in April in some shape or form(but that's only my personal guess). So if this happens you want to get ahead of the game, and get your entertainment sorted ASAP!

But if you were to book me for an event in say April, how could you do this risk-free to yourselves? Well, it's quite simple. Under my lockdown guarantee, I take all the risk myself! So if you were to book me for an event these are the benefits:

- From the moment you get in contact I'll be there offering advice and guidance on what the government is planning to allow at the time of your event. Between us, we can create the perfect party for your child, without the worry of "will this be allowed". And of course if policies change, I'll be the first in contact to let you know how we can change your event to comply with the new guidelines.

- For any bookings taking place up to June there is a 0% deposit required. That way if you find that the lockdown hasn't lifted sufficiently before your event - you don't have any money to try and get back.

- This also includes no cancellation fees for COVID related reasons. So say for example you book a party for 2 months time, but just before it a family member comes down with COVID - or lockdown doesn't lift sufficiently before your event - no worries, you can cancel or postpone your event without any additional fees (COVID related reasons only)

- Also If you book my event and I am unable to attend I will provide another high-quality entertainer that I have not had physical contact with - for no extra fee!

- It's also worth pointing out that during the booking process I'm happy to be as flexible as possible. If you are unsure of the exact location (perhaps your parents have a bigger garden you want to use, but haven't asked them yet or your venue hasn't said if they're open yet) well that's absolutely fine. I'm happy to book time segments with a place to be confirmed later... So you can take time to find the perfect venue for your party and make sure we can cater for all circumstances.

- The same can be said of venues. If we discover that we can't do indoor parties after you booked your party, no worries. Not only can you change the venue with no hassle, I'll help you find a venue that meets your needs and is COVID secure.

- During the next few months I will be regularly checking government guidelines and my insurers to check we can have the party you want - if we find out it's not possible - no worries we can always reschedule at no extra cost to yourselves, and I'll be there to help every step of the way.

So this brings me on to the second part of my no worries guarantee - At The Party!

When it comes to the party I have taken every effort I can to make this as pain-free free as possible. Not only will I be checking guidelines constantly to make sure the party suits government recommendations I have been taking extra steps to make your party as stress-free as possible so that the pressure is off you when it comes to doing the right thing.

From the moment you book your party I will be there to help. From discussing safe numbers to seating arrangements, I will be happy to advise you on everything you need to do so that your guests are safe.

Not only that, but when it comes to the actual party I have worked diligently to cover every aspect possible. My shows have been completely redesigned. In my old show there was lots of great magic, interaction, puppet characters and more – which people loved. Now my new show has even more great magic, interaction, puppets and more, but this time everything has been designed with social distancing in place. Every child and adult can feel like they are part of the magic show, whilst still being safe! The new show as well has been designed to play big or small, so that even for garden parties or park parties the show can go on but take up as little space as possible.

Well that’s the magic shows covered, but what about full parties? Can you still keep people entertained for a party, while maintaining social distancing. Well,2-hour the answer is yes! With careful planning and preparation, my 2-hour package now is more “game show” style for everyone to take part in, but without the worry of getting too close to others and breaking COVID rules.

Secondly, it’s important to say that everything I use in my shows and parties is cleaned thoroughly before and after each party. Anything that I bring into your property will have gone through checks to make sure that it is as germ-free as can be! And finally, it’s wise to point out that from my point of view I will be monitoring my health constantly, and if at any point I show any of the key symptoms that I will find an immediate replacement for your event at no extra cost to you. That way you can rest assured that “The Show Will Go On” with as little risk to you as possible!

I should add here that because of the restrictions, and to maintain social distancing and the best hygiene possible I have temporarily suspended some services, including my circus workshops so that people can safely social distance and have fun at the same time. But when the government allows closer contact hopefully in June you can rest assured they will be back with as much fun and excitement as always - with the added safety measures of course!

In an ideal world, I would be hoping that events could happen in April, but it's never possible to accurately say when it will happen. That’s why I want to make this as easy as possible, so if you are thinking of having a party before June you can book, safely assured that no matter what happens it’s as stress-free as possible!

I hope this article helps you see some of the key things that I’ve been working towards, as well as the thought processes that have been going on to help make your next event as stress-free as possible. If you are looking for an entertainer for an event coming up soon – get in touch through the chat down here!



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